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Welcome to Arabic with Amina: Your Gateway to Mastering Arabic Online




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We’re a community on a journey, learning Arabic in the fastest, easiest way possible.



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What we write about

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Arabic Grammar

We make grammar easy to understand.

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Memorizing for hours on end isn’t fun, so we make learning vocabulary fun.

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Arabic Culture

Understanding culture is an important part of language learning.



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“I learned more in this 10-minute video than at 2 semesters with my lecturer and tutor at university, paying several hundred dollars for the classes.”

– methos8894



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Let’s chat!

Want to know more or have a question?


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Hi, I’m Amina

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Hi, I’m Amina, your guide on this enchanting journey through the Arabic language. Born in the US and raised in the heart of Yemen, I’ve been fortunate to live at the crossroads of cultures, fluent in both English and Arabic. My mission? To make Arabic accessible, enjoyable, and deeply rewarding for English speakers worldwide.

Why Arabic with Amina?

At Arabic with Amina, we believe in breaking down barriers to language learning. Forget about daunting grammar rules and endless vocabulary lists. Here, it’s all about simplicity, engagement, and real-world application. Whether you’re a complete beginner or looking to polish your skills, our approach is tailored to fit your needs, helping you to not just learn Arabic, but to truly live it.

What Sets Us Apart?

  • English-Speaking Background: As an American who was raised in Yemen, I understand the challenges and nuances of learning Arabic as an English speaker. My lessons are designed to bridge cultural and linguistic gaps seamlessly.

  • Simplified Learning: My teaching philosophy revolves around simplicity. I break down complex concepts into easily digestible lessons, making learning Arabic as straightforward as possible.

  • Comprehensive Online Resources: From free PDF guides on Arabic idioms and phrases to a wealth of YouTube videos covering every aspect of the language, I provide a variety of learning materials to suit every learner’s style.

  • Upcoming Video Courses: This year, we’re excited to launch a series of video courses available right here on our website. Ranging from free introductory lessons to comprehensive paid courses, there’s something for everyone looking to deepen their understanding of Arabic.

  • Community and Support: Join a vibrant community of Arabic learners, where you can share insights, ask questions, and find encouragement. Learning Arabic is a journey best traveled with others.

Your Journey Begins Here

Arabic with Amina isn’t just about learning a language; it’s about opening doors to a rich cultural heritage, enhancing your career opportunities, and forming deeper connections with millions of Arabic speakers around the world. Ready to start your adventure? Explore our resources, sign up for updates on our upcoming courses, and take the first step towards fluency in Arabic today.

Remember, learning Arabic doesn’t have to be complicated. With Arabic with Amina, you’re not just learning phrases and vocabulary; you’re embracing a whole new world of expression and understanding. Let’s make this journey unforgettable.


